
french word(s) of the week: cul sec.

my room looks like a battlefield.
i'm running out of clothes.
i really need to wash.

although paris is
a very international city.
i think.
people still turn heads
when they hear foreign language.
even english.

we changed the bed sheets.
and i was allowed to assist.

my landlord said,
it's hot in here.
hotter than in her room.
because she leaves the door open.
to guard the entrance.

got the time?

the internet.

incredible 3d chalk paintings.

seen on www.nickcannon.com

the kills.

the kills concert.
on sunday.
they played two in paris.
in a row.


we had no tickets.
as always.
bargaining was hard.
this time.
but not hard enough.
in the end we got
the price we wanted.

i know.
you are used to better quality.
but i wasn't allowed to enter
with my camera.
luckily katerina brought her digicam.
thanks again.

jamie hince.

alison mosshart.

olympia music hall.

paris photo.

(click on picture to show gallery.)

seen at paris photo.


11.11.11 (!)
armistice 1918.
the end of world war I. we went to paris photo.
in the morning.
but still had to wait.
a while.
since everyone was starving.
we had all-you-can-eat sushi.
food coma included.


peter wanted to see
the exhibition of the designer
hussein chalayan. Linkat les arts decoratifs.
which we could enter for free.

at least i could take one picture.
before i was beeing told
that it's forbidden.
in an unnecessary harsh way.

instead of going home
after the exhibition to study

we decided to go shopping.

which is only logical.

i got a jeans chemise

from a vintage store.

at le marais.

and finally trousers
in the proper size.

we finished that day
with a fantastic falafel.

the internet.

check out some stunning pictures
martin stranka.

centre pompidou 2.

(click on picture to show gallery.)

seen at www.centrepompidou.fr